Hi there! I’m Alicja.

Here’s the thing, in my family it seems that fate chooses one kid in a generation who gets the gift of creativity.
In my generation, it picked me and I was born an artistic soul. A line of strong and talented women came before me, although they didn’t get too many opportunities to use their skills to the fullest. I feel like I owe it to them to make the most of a life that gives me plenty of options. My favorite quote is “Not all those who wander, are lost” by J.R.R Tolkien. So I am doing it all, I am wandering! I was a makeup artist, I’m drawing, painting, I do embroidery and graphic design. And I do photography. It has always been a BIG love of mine, freezing beautiful moments in time.

As a makeup artist, I worked backstage of many photoshoots and I was very happy to be part of a team that creates something stunning, but I’ve always felt the longing to be the one behind the lens. I have spent a long time learning and perfecting my skills and now I finally feel confident to share my gift with you.

I’m all about capturing the real spirit of you and your family. The funny faces kids make. That glow when you look at someone you love. A laugh. A connection. A special bond between siblings. Even the way you roll your eyes when your kid gets angry with you. The big things and the little things. A tiny bit of your journey that you want to share with me, but above else, remember for years to come. You get the idea.

So, what do you say?